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Executive Coaching 

"We Help Leaders See what they are missing"

We specialize in coaching Top Executives and Mid-level Executives. Through our unique Human Systems Thinking (HST) approach, we help leaders think and act more systemically so they can truly engage the workforce to transform the business. The best leaders are great at seeing and navigating the whole system and, at the same time, continuously working to build their own strategic skills, emotional intelligence, and influence.

Our coaching combines a systemic lens with a highly individualized approach. Your growth as a leader isn’t just about your individual skills, it is also about how you shape the environment in which you lead. Consequently, we “step up to the balcony” together to help you gain valuable perspective on the dynamics of your organization and how it impacts what you are striving to accomplish through others. At the same time, we work together at “ground level” to address the specific behaviors, skills, and experiences needed to increase your ability to make a difference.  Although we don’t skip over your development needs, we primarily focus on building on your strengths.  We do this in a way that also leverages the people around you. Our integrated process provides great support to help you articulate goals that fit your specific situation and your longer term objectives.

By applying a systemic lens and a focus on your individual development, you will create a more powerful, and context-based plan to get you where you’re going.   By taking this dual-focus approach, you’ll ensure you’re addressing everything needed to unlock your full, positive potential as well as that of the organization.

Our approach to our coaching partnership is detailed below:

Part 1: Context

The "Context" of our coaching partnership starts with a meeting between the Coach, the Executive and any other key stakeholders (e.g., Executive’s Manager, HR) to ensure that all parties are committed to a successful outcome. The Coach and the Executive then meet to discuss the relevant background, goals, and desired outcomes. We leverage our unique Human Systems Thinking (HST) approach which helps you see and assess the total system context in which you function. This part of this process also includes a personal interview in which the Executive's life, career, strengths, development needs, and motivations are explored in depth. Before moving forward, it is important for the Coach and Executive to determine if there is strong “chemistry” in the form of trust, candor, and commitment to the process. 

Part 2: Analysis

The Executive may take one or more assessments, and other colleagues’ perspectives are often included (e.g., 1-on-1 interviews or 360 feedback tool). A follow-up discussion identifies key insights and action items from stakeholder interviews/assessment tools.  Afterward, a meeting takes place between the Coach and Executive to identify the specific behaviors, skills, and experience needed for success.  Here, and in future video conferences between the Coach and the Executive, an individual development plan is finalized and shared with key stakeholders if appropriate. From this, an action plan is created, along with a schedule of coaching video conferences or phone calls where progress will be reviewed, and opportunities and/or concerns addressed.

Part 3: Action

The Executive focuses on specific changes necessary for completing the individual development plan. This may require the Executive to:

  • Meet other stakeholders for their input on the Executive’s development goals and plan
  • Apply new behaviors and report results to the Coach
  • Build new skills through applied practice and stretch assignments
  • Strengthen key relationships within the organization
  • Talk to successful executives who embody the skills and abilities they want to develop

Throughout this part, the Executive and Coach are in regular contact via video conference or by phone to ensure focus remains on the development plan and to discuss successes and issues in specific situations.

Part 4: Achievement

The final part of the Coaching partnership comes when the desired skills and behavior changes have been achieved. Surveys are sent to stakeholders to provide feedback on the Executive’s improvement and progress. The results of these surveys are discussed with the Executive, and if course corrections are necessary, they're documented.

Once the Executive, the Coach, and any stakeholders agree that the coaching process has met or exceeded expectations, the Coach begins a "phase-down" period where the Executive is required to do more and more of the target behaviors on their own, with decreasing need for one-on-one coaching. Finally, a formal follow-up session can be conducted several weeks after the last coaching session to obtain feedback, acknowledge accomplishments, and present a final report on the outcome of the coaching process.


If you are looking for powerful, fresh thinking on how to achieve your strategic or career goals, Power + Systems can help you get there. Our Human Systems Thinking (HST) approach, helps you see and assess the total system context in which you function. Our approach supports you in seeing things less personally and more systemically, thus enabling you to take more strategic, effective action.

Contact us for more information or to sign up for free, 30-minute coaching session.

Jeff Boudro, Executive Director, Power + Systems, Inc.

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Total System Power

Learn what’s behind our Human Systems Thinking approach to Executive Coaching.  Click here for a free download of our white paper on Total System Power